School nurse drop-ins
All secondary schools in Gloucestershire have a school nurse drop-in that you can go to if you need help with your mental or physical health.
Drop-ins usually happen every week, and are run by trained NHS nurses.
What school nurse drop-ins are used for
School nurse drop-ins are a chance to go and talk to an NHS-trained nurse in private if you need help with your mental health.
School nurses can help with things like:
- stress, anxiety, anger and depression
- bullying
- self-harm
- drugs, alcohol and smoking
They can also give you advice on physical health problems.
What it’s like to go to a school nurse drop-in
You’ll usually see a school nurse in a private room, where it’s just you and them.
School nurses are there to listen. They can give you advice and help you work out where to go if you need support.
Drop-ins are confidential, meaning anything you tell a school nurse is private, unless they think you or someone else is at serious risk of harm.
If they do need to share something you’ve told them, they’ll talk to you first about who they need to tell and what information they’ll share.
The information you share with a school nurse will usually be added to your medical records.
How to go to a school nurse drop-in
Drop-ins usually happen once a week. You can ask your head of year when your school’s drop-ins are, or you can check drop-in times on the Gloucestershire Health and Care Website.
If you can’t see your school’s drop-in, you can email or phone the school nurses team, or text them using Chathealth - a text service - to find out when it is.
You can also use Chathealth if you need to talk to a school nurse during the school holidays. If needed, they can arrange to speak to you on the phone or over video, or in-person at a safe place or at home.