Find help for your mental health: text-bot
Use this anonymous service to find the right mental health help for you.
This is an automated text-bot service. This means you won’t be talking to a real person. You can use any mobile phone, as long as it has a UK number.
Do you need to talk to someone now?
If you’d like to talk to a person about how you’re feeling now, you can use the following free services.
TiC+ chat - ages 9 to 21
Get one-to-one support from TiC+ chat - an anonymous, safe, and confidential support service. Open from Sunday to Thursday, 5pm to 9pm.
Childline - ages 18 and under
Chat with a counsellor about what's worrying you. It's confidential, and no problem is too big or too small. Open from Monday to Friday, 7.30pm to 3.30am, and Saturday and Sunday, 9am to 3.30am.
Samaritans (24/7) - all ages
The Samaritans offers a confidential place for you to talk any time you like. They won't judge you or tell you what to do, they'll simply listen. Open 24/7